Stocks Near DMA

Stocks that are close to DMA - 14 Jan, 2025

Scan returns total 13 Stocks
Symbol LTP Change Volume Volume Change 10 Days 20 Days 50 Days 200 Days R1 Breakout S1 Breakdown R1 S1
AIA Engineering Ltd( AIAENG ) 3368.8 2.17 % 22521 -13.53 3423.72 3303.52
Au Small Finance Ban ( AUBANK ) 578.15 3.19 % 3979231 7.23 583.17 565.52
Bank of Maharash ( MAHABANK ) 52.3 12.26 % 65432746 325.42 55.73 48.42
Container Corpor( CONCOR ) 762.95 4.74 % 994938 -41.99 774.83 738.58
Escorts Ltd.( ESCORTS ) 3442 4.36 % 261047 60.09 3500.38 3336.68
IDBI Bank Ltd.( IDBI ) 79.48 19.99 % 23420402 224.66 82.78 69.71
Indian Bank( INDIANB ) 505.9 6.33 % 3151183 95.28 517.18 487.23
INDIAN RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT( IREDA ) 206.9 3.51 % 21359771 -51.33 210.51 201.31
Ipca Laboratorie ( IPCALAB ) 1584.2 0.29 % 201246 -4.23 1600.82 1575.02
Oil India Ltd. ( OIL ) 465 2.79 % 2788151 -71.6 471.27 455.72
Page Industries Limited( PAGEIND ) 46508.25 1.3 % 13713 -50.08 46759.62 46074.72
Patanjali Foods Limited( PATANJALI ) 1818 2.34 % 528921 7.87 1842.92 1795.07
Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Limited( PGHH ) 14667.9 -0.26 % 3391 48.01 14756.2 14543
Scan returns total 13 Stocks